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The Vermont Heritage Series

A Treasury of Video Resources

The Vermont Heritage Series presents a new and exciting look at the Green Mountain State on eight individual videocassettes, produced by Perceptions, Inc. and brought to you by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.

Vermont's social and political history provides the background for the videos. Each explores a separate topic such as agriculture, industry and commerce, tourism and transportation from the earlies days to the present. Featured are the houses, barns, town halls, churches, mills, factories, bridges and more, built by Vermonters before us, many of which are still standing in most of our communities. A look at archeological sites traces the lives of the earliest Vermonters as well as little-known aspects of more recent history known only through archeological evidence. Two programs on architecture explore how and why Vermonters built things the way they did.

The videos were produced with a grant from the National Park Service for use by teachers, municipal planning groups, state agencies, historical and museum organizations and for family enrichment. Each of the eight programs ranges in length from 14 to 32 minutes. Exact lengths are indicated next to each title below:

In addition to Vermont enrichment, the presentations have been used by colleges and universities out of state as professors pursue New England topics in their studies. Architects have found them to be informative and an inspiration for design.

I. A Rich and Ancient Heritage: Vermont's Archeological Sites
(27 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-12-8

II. A Vermont Heritage: Agricultural Buildings and Landscapes
(21 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-13-5

III. Buildings, Villages, Towns: Traditions in Vermont Architecture
(32 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-14-2

IV. From Meeting House to Opera House: Vermont's Political and Cultural Heritage
(29 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-15-9

V. Getting There From Here: Vermont's Transportation Heritage
(26 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-16-3

VI. Made In Vermont, Sold In Vermont: Our Industrial and Commercial Heritage
(31 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-17-3

VII. Two Centuries of Tourism in Vermont

(23 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-18-X

VIII. A Guide to the Historic Architectural Styles of Vermont
(14 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-880327-19-7

The Vermont Heritage Series Complete Set is available for $135.
(ISBN 978-1-880327-11-1)

Individual titles are $22.00.

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The titles are available in some Vermont libraries and Historical Societies.
Additional information about Vermont Heritage is available from:
Division for Historic Preservation, State of Vermont,
National Life Building, Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT 05620-0501

© 2002 - 2011
Perceptions Inc.
Don and Betty Ann Lockhart
1030 Hinesburg Rd, Charlotte, VT 05445
802-425-2783, phone; 802-425-3628, fax
[email protected]

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