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Order Form for "The Vermont Heritage Series, Videos

The Vermont Heritage Series Complete Set of 8 Titles, $135.00 postage paid
Individual Titles, $22.00 postage paid

Send check or money order for total amount due in U.S. funds.
Schools, libraries and businesses may supply purchase orders and tax exempt information.
Additional postage charges may apply for shipping to international locations.

"The Vermont Heritage Series" Complete Sets
Number of Sets

x $135.00 =

Individual Titles Qty.
I. A Rich and Ancient Heritage: Vermont's Archeological Sites
II. A Vermont Heritage: Agricultural Buildings and Landscapes
III. Buildings, Villages, Towns: Traditions in Vermont Architecture
IV. From Meeting House to Opera House: Vermont's Political and Cultural Heritage
V. Getting There From Here: Vermont's Transportation Heritage
VI. Made in Vermont, Sold in Vermont: Our Industrial and Commercial Heritage
VII. Two Centeries of Tourism in Vermont
VIII. A Guide to the Historic Architectural Styles of Vermont
Number of Individual Titles

x $22.00 =


(Vermont Residents Only)
add Vermont State Sales Tax
$8.10 per complete set
$1.32 per individual video









Mail orders with check or money order to:
Perceptions Inc.
1030 Hinesburg Rd.
Charlotte, VT 05445

Email questions to: [email protected]
Call : 802-425-2783

Thank you for your order!